Christian Coaching

Who is wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom.

– James 3:13  (NIV)

Coaching in Christ

Counseling in Christ offers a Christian coaching component to the services provided. Christian coaching begins by examining where individuals currently are personally, professionally, and spiritually. We use a transformative process of awareness, learning, and growth towards serving God’s purpose and plan.

Christian Coaching is Different
from Christian Counseling

Christian Coaching

Christian Counseling

Develop Goals to Proactively Reach Potential

Understand What Keeps You From Reaching Your Potential

Develop Steps to Move Past Barriers

Work Through Past Wounds that Cause Barriers

Take Action Steps to Move Forward

Develop Awareness of What Keeps You From Moving Forward and How to Overcome

Learn and Grow

Heal and Recover

Focus on Strengths and Build Upon Them

Overcome Weaknesses and Develop Strengths

Skills Building

Coping Strategies

What to Expect with Christian Coaching

Christian Coaching is Christ-centered, solutions-focused, and goal-directed. Every person and situation is unique. Christian coaching customizes services for individuals, business partnerships, and groups.

We start out by exploring issues the individual wants to change, areas they want to learn and grow, and develop goals they want to achieve. Together assess if these areas align with God’s leading towards meeting His purpose and plan.

We explore challenges, obstacles, and roadblocks that exist personally, professionally, and spiritually. We examine your strengths, weaknesses, abilities, interests, passions, spiritual gifts, talents, values, worldviews, and hopes. Together we develop proactive action steps with these areas in mind.

I prayerfully listen to concerns and ask questions for clarity about the issues and situations discussed. Together we work towards ways to overcome challenges and realize your God-given potential. I offer accountability, encouragement, and support during this transformative journey.